
Prayer Circles at Westside

“First of all, then, I urge that petitions, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgiving be offered for everyone.” 1 Tim 2:1

It’s our goal to pray for every Westsider, by name, through the month of December.

Are you in a Prayer Circle?

Here’s what’s involved: 

Know that you are being prayed for daily by a Prayer Circle leader.

  1. Respond to your Prayer Circle leader or group with prayer requests and know that you are being prayed for purposefully and specifically!

  2. Pray for any requests that are shared by others in your Prayer Circle.


Would you like to join us in surrounding our church in a Circle of Prayer by leading a Prayer Circle? 

Here’s what’s involved: 

  1. Commit to praying for your circle, by name, every day thru the end of December.

  2. Check in with your circle once a week by email or text.  Let them know you are praying for them and ask if there is anything they need prayer for. 

Here are some more great ways to get connected in community at Westside

Interested in finding community on a Volunteer Team?

Interested in finding community in a Growth Group?

For questions or more information contact